The Globalization book by Waters to me was totally unreadable, if it weren't required college reading I don't think this dude would have sold a single copy!!!!
I will update as updates are posted
Globalization: Chapter 12, Global Stratification
According to past papers:
1. Is globalization a new phenomenon?
2. Compare & Contrast any two accounts of globalization
3. Hyperglobalists believe globalization is both new & inevitable. Explain and discuss.
4. The main driver of globalization is technology. Explain and discuss
5. Describe and evaluate any one theory which attempts to explain the processes of globalization, paying particular attention to the idea of a "global village"
Questions for ourselves: Please post your notes & thoughts next to each item and please put in quotes & your name so we know who wrote it.
1. What are the schools of thoughts of globalization?
Global culture theory
According to past papers:
1. Is globalization a new phenomenon?
2. Compare & Contrast any two accounts of globalization
3. Hyperglobalists believe globalization is both new & inevitable. Explain and discuss.
4. The main driver of globalization is technology. Explain and discuss
5. Describe and evaluate any one theory which attempts to explain the processes of globalization, paying particular attention to the idea of a "global village"
Questions for ourselves: Please post your notes & thoughts next to each item and please put in quotes & your name so we know who wrote it.
1. What are the schools of thoughts of globalization?
Global culture theory
Global capitalist theory
world systems theory
A) Marxist theory
B) Evolutionary thoery
C) Convergence theory
D) Structural functionalism
E) Weberian theory "He found that at the end of the Middle Ages, Western Europe's cultural environment favored change...the Protestant Reformation reshaped traditional Christian beliefs to generate a progress-oriented way of life. Wealth - looked on with suspicion from the Catholic church - became a sign of personal virtue, and the growing importance of individualism steadily replaced the traditional emphasis on family and community. Taken together, these new cultural patterns nurtured the Industrial Revolution. Macioncis Chapter 12 (pg 318) - Joon Enlightenement, Manifest destiny, perhaps???
F) Modernisation theory: "A model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of technological and cultural differences between nations." Macionis Chapter 12 (page 317) - Joon
G)Dependency theory: "A model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of the historical exploitations of poor nations by rich ones." Macionis Chapter 12 (pg 319) - Joon
Historical perspective of the Dependency theory: Dependency theory is based on the idea that the economic position of rich and poor nations are linked and cannot be understood apart from each other. Poor nations are not simply lagging behind rich ones on the "path of progress"; rather, the prosperity of the most developed countries came largely at the expense of the less developed ones. Macionis Ch 12 (pg 320)
H) Postmodernism
II. The globalization schools
A) The sceptics
B) The Hyperglobalists
C) The transformationalists
Chapter 7 of the SG
7.1 Globalizing Technology
7.2 Communication
7.3 The global economy & global inequality
7.4 What has been the overall impact of economic globalization
7.5 & 7.6 I don't see as too important, if you disagree please note**
7.7 The global village and world culture
i) global technology
ii) Economic globalization
iii) Political globalization
Chapter 8
8.1 World - Systems theory
i) The core. This includes strong states, which are fully developed. Wallerstein states Globalization (global stratification) uses a model of the "Capitalist World Economy" He viewed the core as the high income countries, colonialism enriched this core by funneling raw materials from all over the world back to Western Europe to fuel the Industrial Revolution. Today, multinationals channels all the wealth back (repatriation of funds) to North America, Japan, Western Europe & Australia.
ii) The semi-periphery - This includes oderately strong states, for example the 'newly industrializing countries' (NICs) such Malaysia and Brazil as Malaysia and Brazil (however, note that Waters (2001) associates these with the periphery, whereas they are more commonly placed in the semi-periphery).
iii) The periphery - This area including weak and poor states, which are often economically dependant on the core states weak and poor states, which are often economically dependent on the core states, or remain traditionarlly based and undeveloped countries. Low income countries represent the periphery, they are drawn into the world economy by colonial exploitation. Poor nations continue to support rich ones by providing inexpensive labor and a vast market for industrial products.
8.2 Global capitalist theory
8.3 Global society theory
8.4 Global culture theory
The approach of Appadurai (1996)
1. ethnoscapes: flows of people
2. mediascapes: flows of images
3. technoscapes: flow of machinery
4. finanscapes: flows of money
5. ideascapes: flows of ideas
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